
MasterClass in Crime Writing with Jane Clifton

Entertainer and published author Jane Clifton offers a writing workshop for local writers to accompany the tour of A Day At A Time in Rhyme in conjunction with the Write Around the Murray Festival. This workshop is a MasterClass in Crime Writing.

Got a story to tell but don’t know where to start? Started a story but don’t know where to go next? Need some help, inspiration and a few pointers?

Jane has written 4 crime novels, a memoir and an anthology of poetry and has learned a lot along the way and is sharing the knowledge with you over a relaxed and informative few hours.

Be set you on the path to unlocking those stories you’ve been carrying around in your head and help unleash them onto the page where the world can read them.

Sharpen your pencil, fill your pen, bring notebook or e-device and let’s get started!

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